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FOCUS on Venture Capital

Why we see value in technology? Richard Clarke-Jervoise, Managing partner – ODDO BHF Private Equity, Venture Capital. “Given the improvement in the investment environment, we believe that now is a good time for investors with long-term capital available to build portfolios of fast-growing, disruptive companies…
26 February 2024

Macroeconomic view

France-Germany, the sick couple of Europe Bruno Cavalier, Chief Economist ODDO BHF Asset Management. KEY HIGHLIGHTS: The European economy has been stagnant for nearly two years. The growth outlook for 2024 is gloomy, especially in Germany and France. The Franco-German partnership has weakened, both politically…
26 February 2024

Market view

Long-term investors should not fear the US election Prof. Dr. Jan Viebig Global Co-CIO, ODDO BHF AM. "Investors with a long-term perspective, such as a ten-year horizon, can afford to be somewhat relaxed about the impact of the US election on their assets." The outcome…
26 February 2024

Taking on more duration

With interest rates set to tumble, top-quality bonds of longer duration make sense By Pictet Wealth Management CIO Office and Macro Research. In today’s market environment, we see merit in being ready to move away from cash and into quality fixed-income investments to capture the…
21 February 2024
a robot holding a gun next to a pile of rolls of toilet paperNews

Fund Insight : ODDO BHF AM Artificial Intelligence

Story of the month As listed companies begin to publish their financial results for 2023, we want to take the pulse of the adoption of generative AI, as it appears in these announcements. To do this, we use three metrics: 1) revenues from the public…
21 February 2024
a very tall building with a dome on top of itInvesting

Weekly View: Goldilocks again ?

Bumpy ride towards 2% inflation César Pérez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer, Pictet Wealth Management. A batch of US economic reports last week cheered investors looking for signs of a “Goldilocks” scenario, where activity slows enough to keep further interest rate hikes at bay without pointing…
21 February 2024
green circuit boardInvesting

Monthly investment brief

AI: fad or margin effect ? " Maintaining net margins at high levels appears largely subject to the rapid and continued spread of productivity gains associated with AI." A disappointing earnings season (for now) For the first time in 10 years, European companies are reporting…
21 February 2024