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white printer paper with red and green round stickerPersonal Finance

Monthly Barometer Trade Republic

US stocks and gold attract buyers Brussels, 10 June 2024 - Trade Republic, Europe's largest broker and leading savings platform, today publishes its new monthly barometer of the most bought ETFs, stocks and bonds in Belgium in the month of June among its clients. The…
10 June 2024

Flash Note – Investment-grade corporate bonds

Below you will find a new commentary by Lauréline Renaud-Chatelain, ​ CIO Office & Macro Research at Pictet Wealth Management. SUMMARY Corporate bonds have outperformed government bonds this year, mainly due to spread tightening and corporate bonds’ more elevated yields. Credit spreads now look particularly…
06 June 2024

Weekly View: One step at a time

Back to T+1 (after a century!) César Pérez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer, Pictet Wealth Management. THE WEEK IN REVIEW May ended on a whimper for US equities, as the Fed continued to seed doubts about its rate cut intentions. Inflation numbers were as expected, but…
04 June 2024

Fund Insight: ODDO BHF AM Artificial Intelligence

This month, we take a look at the growing importance of Artificial Intelligence in non technology sectors, by analyzing the specific case of the banking sector. The recent publication by Jamie Dimon, CEO of US banking giant JP Morgan, of his letter to shareholders not…
04 June 2024

Weekly View: Time to Reassess

UK elections on 4 July César Pérez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer, Pictet Wealth Management. THE WEEK IN REVIEW It was a rocky week for US equities, with the cheer generated by blockbuster earnings from the world’s main AI-related chipmaker quickly eclipsed by renewed doubts about…
28 May 2024


Story of the month INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES BEYOND AI For a long time, the equity market environment was characterized by uncertainty and concerns about the future economic development. However, the danger of an imminent recession seemed to have been averted recently. Now that the equity markets…
26 April 2024

Fund Insight: ODDO BHF AM Active Small Cap

Year to date, we have observed a strong decline in energy prices resulting in a strong underperformance of the listed European utilities. The reason for this steeper-than-expected decline in energy prices includes a substantial drop in carbon costs coupled with a reduction of other input…
25 April 2024
Statue Of LibertyInvesting

US commercial paper offers diversification opportunities

US corporate bonds today have an attractive risk-return profile and offer an excellent diversification for a diversified portfolio, says Georgios Costa Georgiou, Managing Director Global Head Fixed Income Product Specialists of Allianz Global Investors. He is referring both to short-term high yield paper and to…
24 April 2024

Market view: Equities remain unmatched over the long term

Prof. Dr. Jan Viebig Global Co-CIO, ODDO BHF AM. "Equities too often have a reputation among German and French investors for being speculative. However, we believe that when equity investments are approached in a planned, long-term manner—aligned with simple principles and within one's risk tolerance—they…
23 April 2024

Fund Insight: ODDO BHF AM Artificial Intelligence

This month, we would like to focus on 'Fintech' Klarna and their recent internal implementation of a customer service tool based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). This implementation has led them to predict a $40m improvement in their results within the first year. More broadly, we…
19 April 2024