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Weekly View: All eyes on the Fed

Que sera, sera César Pérez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer, Pictet Wealth Management. THE WEEK IN REVIEW Last week, the US equity market was overshadowed by speculation about the size of the upcoming Fed rate cut. While the consumer inflation report for August seemed to cement…
18 September 2024

Taking the pulse of Chinese household spending

Cyclical and structural challenges as consumption patterns change. Zhennan Li, Senior Asia Economist, Pictet Wealth Management. The recovery in household consumption in China has been relatively sluggish since the pandemic and spending is still well below the pre-covid trend in nominal terms. This primarily reflects…
18 September 2024

Fund Insight: ODDO BHF AM Green Planet

Story of the month The development of energy storage is a prerequisite for the continued large-scale deployment of renewable energy. While solar and wind are seen as key technologies in the low-carbon energy transition and the electrification of the economy, managing their volatility remains key…
17 September 2024

FOMC preview – start with 25bps but stress flexibility

Below you will find a new comment from Xiao Cui, Senior Economist, at Pictet Wealth Management, ahead of next Wednesday’s Fed meeting : A few days before the first cut of the Fed easing cycle, markets are pricing in -36bps for next week, essentially split…
17 September 2024

Policy normalization or labour market rescue?

Please find below a new comment from Xiao Cui, Senior Economist, at Pictet Wealth Management. A benign moderation in the labour market remains our base case. The recent increase in the unemployment rate, from a local trough of 3.4% in April 2023, to 4.2% in…
13 September 2024

ECB: “Que sera sera”

Below you will find a new from Nadia Gharbi, Senior Economist, at Pictet Wealth Management, in reaction to yesterday's ECB meeting. The ECB decided to cut its deposit facility rate by 25bp to 3.50% at today’s Governing Council meeting, as widely expected. President Christine Lagarde…
13 September 2024

Barometer: Conditions favour Swiss and financial stocks

Pictet Asset Management Prospects for Swiss and financial stocks look bright even if equity markets are likely to remain volatile. Asset allocation: caution following market whiplash A whipsaw month in the global equity markets – down 9 per cent during the month at one point…
12 September 2024

Weekly View: Temperature check

Un-inverted César Pérez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer, Pictet Wealth Management. THE WEEK IN REVIEW Markets spent much of last week fretting about economic data, especially in the US, where weak manufacturing and job-opening surveys kept minds focused. Worries about the US economy culminated in a…
12 September 2024

Weekly View: Waiting for the Fed

Labour week César Pérez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer, Pictet Wealth Management. THE WEEK IN REVIEW After a frightening start to the month, US equities ended August on a more even keel last week as markets looked forward to Fed rate cuts, inflation gauges held steady,…
03 September 2024