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Ebury Soft US data weakens dollar

Enrique Diaz Alvarez, Chief Financial Risk Officer, Ebury. A spate of US labor market report last week came out a touch softer than expected, culminating in the headline payrolls number for June. The data cannot be described as weak, and in fact US yields continued…
10 July 2023

Mind the gap – what to make of the two-speed economies?

Xiao Cui and Nadia Gharbi, Senior Economists at Pictet Wealth Management, on the macroeconomics of the United States and the euro zone. Despite one of the most aggressive monetary tightening cycles in history, the US and the euro area are currently two-speed economies. Divergence between…
06 July 2023

Secular Outlook 2023

Securing single-digit annual returns from a diversified portfolio could prove an unusually complex task in the next five years, largely because of volatile inflation and more muscular state intervention. 1. Overview: return projections for the next five years Investment strategies will need an overhaul over…
06 July 2023

Follow the growth

Luca Paolini, Chief Strategist, Pictet Asset Management said: “Valuations are creeping back up as financial markets are pricing in a sharp bounce in economic activity and interest rates cuts. However, we see little evidence for this optimism.” Asset Allocation: We remain underweight equities. Much of…
04 July 2023

Weekly View: Persistence

César Pérez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer Pictet Wealth Management. Happy 4th of July The tech-dominated Nasdaq recorded its best first half in four decades, while robust US growth data and softer inflation numbers meant that the broad S&P 500 also ended the half on a…
04 July 2023

Half-year Outlook AllianzGI: bumpy second half 2023

Global inflation is still high and a recession is probably near. Therefore, asset manager AllianzGI foresees a bumpy second half of the year. But with the right timing, potential entry points could emerge for investors in equities, high-yield bonds and commodities. However, they should then…
03 July 2023

The end of globalisation?

The process of globalisation is unlikely to end completely, but it is facing increasing challenges. In the next decade, we expect trade frictions to continue to lead to higher inflationary pressure and more financial instability. Nadia Gharbi, Senior economist, Pictet Wealth Management. Globalisation, broadly defined…
29 June 2023