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human hand holding plasma ballNews


STORY OF THE MONTH BRICE PRUNAS, Portfoliomanager, Aktien, globale Themenfonds And MAXENCE RADJABI, CFA Global thematic Equity Portfolio manager ODDO BHF Asset Management SAS In this first Fund Insight of 2024, we aim to show how AI could provide an answer to the problem of…
26 January 2024
white concrete building near palm tree under blue sky during daytimeInvesting

Macroeconomic view

Three questions about rate cuts: why, when, by how much ? Bruno Cavalier, Chief Economist ODDO BHF Asset Management. KEY HIGHLIGHTS: With the risk of inflation having largely receded, the rise in policy interest rates is now over. In 2024, central banks will pivot towards…
26 January 2024

The 5 lessons investors should learn from 2023

Betting against the US economy was a mistake, while hopes for China's revival proved overly optimistic. Chief strategist Luca Paolini runs the rule over a tumultuous year Luca Paolini, Chief Strategist Pictet Asset Management. 1. Growth is more important than rates for equities The idea that…
24 January 2024
Personal Finance

Weekly View: Markets wait for earnings guidance

Not yet César Pérez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer, Pictet Wealth Management. The week in review Data showing the US economy still had some vim, plus improving consumer confidence, pushed the S&P 500 past its January 2022 record, with the index rising 1.2% on the week…
24 January 2024
black car parked near gray wallNews

Higher for longer than you think

Investors are overly optimistic about how soon and deeply central banks will be able to cut rates. The fight against inflation isn't won yet Andres Sanchez Balcazar, Head of Global Bonds Pictet Asset Management. US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell had only to mention that…
24 January 2024
a remote control sitting next to a computer monitorInvesting

Investment strategy

2024 : Tempering expectation Laurent Denize, Global Co-CIO, ODDO BHF AM and Prof. Dr. Jan Viebing, Global CO-CIO ODDO BHF. " Looking ahead to the next few month, wo favor bonds over more volatile equities because of their higher real vields" . The turn of…
22 January 2024
man operating laptop on top of tableNews

FOCUS on China

THE E-COMMERCE REVOLUTION: “Shop like a billionaire”! Yanxiu Gu, Product specialist, Chinese equities ODDO BHF AM. "As global consumers tighten their budgets ..., companies like Shein and Temu (PDD), which prioritize offering ultimate value for money, are emerging as distinct beneficiaries." In December 2023, Apple unveiled…
19 January 2024
person using black iPadNews

Seven trends to watch in 2024

The key trends to look out for in science, technology and sustainability over the next 12 months – and beyond. Stephen Freedman, Head of research and sustainability, Thematic Equities Pictet Asset Management. 1. Generative AI goes professional Generative AI dominated the headlines in 2023, and fuelled strong…
19 January 2024
Person holding a SmartphoneInvesting

Weekly View: Mixed bag

Are we there yet ? THE WEEK IN REVIEW US equity markets notched up positive performances last week, brushing off December headline inflation that was a touch stronger than expected. The S&P 500 rose 1.9% i (in USD) on the week, while the Nasdaq Composite…
17 January 2024