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May 2024


Fund Insight : ODDO BHF AM Active Small Cap

Story of the month DATA CENTERPOWER CONSUMPTION 40% of global data centers are located in North America, mainly in USA, half of which being located in few states. While Western Europe accounts only for 26% of this global distribution as of today, one could expect…
29 May 2024

Weekly View: Time to Reassess

UK elections on 4 July César Pérez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer, Pictet Wealth Management. THE WEEK IN REVIEW It was a rocky week for US equities, with the cheer generated by blockbuster earnings from the world’s main AI-related chipmaker quickly eclipsed by renewed doubts about…
28 May 2024


Story of the month Three British economists - Paul Marsh and Mike Staunton of the London Business School and Elroy Dimson of Cambridge University - have undertaken a painstaking task : they have traced 35 stock markets around the world back as far as possible…
24 May 2024
man in black jacket smokingInvesting

Focus on Metals

Metallurgy, the main tool of the industrial transition Antoine Chacun, Managing director– ODDO BHF Metals. “Europe must conduct precisely the reverse policy to help decarbonize global metal industries. We must reduce our metallurgical deficits and encourage local competitive production by ensuring that local processing industries…
24 May 2024
a very tall building with lots of windowsInvesting

Euro area wages: the final check ​ ​ 

Here is a new comment from Frederik Ducrozet, Head of Macroeconomic Research, at Pictet Wealth Management, on euro area wages following today’s (strong) number, and below a short summary. Euro area negotiated wage growth surprised to the upside in Q1, rising to 4.7% YoY from 4.5%…
24 May 2024

Weekly View: Breaking new ground

Roaring Kitty is back César Pérez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer, Pictet Wealth Management. THE WEEK IN REVIEW “Roaring Kitty”, the social media finance influencer, re-emerged after a three-year hiatus and shares in a videogame retailer he previously favoured duly soared, with the company taking the…
22 May 2024

Macroeconomic view

Europe at the polls: what’s at stake for the future ? Bruno Cavalier, Chief Economist ODDO BHF Asset Management. KEY HIGHLIGHTS: The ​ ​ last ​ ​ parliamentary ​ ​ term ​ ​ was ​ ​ marked ​ ​ by ​ ​ the pandemic and…
22 May 2024
Donald Trump beside man in black suitNews

Monthly investment brief

US election – What to expect from Trump Season 2 Laurent Denize, Global Co-CIO, ODDO BHF AM. " As we get closer to November 2024, we expect the volatility of European sectors and stocks directly exposed to potential policy changes to rise and divergences in…
22 May 2024

​ Insights

The case for private debt in a widening funding gap Andreas Klein, Head of Private Debt Pictet Asset Management. With banks curtailing lending, private debt can step in to support healthy companies. Scarcity of capital and higher funding costs make today’s credit backdrop extremely difficult…
17 May 2024
a pile of twenty dollar bills laying on top of each otherNews

Weekly View: Smooth path before rocky heights

Europe makes its move César Pérez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer, Pictet Wealth Management. THE WEEK IN REVIEW European equities outperformed their US peers last week, with the Stoxx Europe 600 i rising 3.3% (in euros) compared to a 1.9% (in USD) rise in the S&P500…
17 May 2024