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Personal Finance

white printer paper with red and green round stickerPersonal Finance

Monthly Barometer Trade Republic

US stocks and gold attract buyers Brussels, 10 June 2024 - Trade Republic, Europe's largest broker and leading savings platform, today publishes its new monthly barometer of the most bought ETFs, stocks and bonds in Belgium in the month of June among its clients. The…
10 June 2024
Personal Finance

Weekly View: Markets wait for earnings guidance

Not yet César Pérez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer, Pictet Wealth Management. The week in review Data showing the US economy still had some vim, plus improving consumer confidence, pushed the S&P 500 past its January 2022 record, with the index rising 1.2% on the week…
24 January 2024
a scale with coins and garlic on top of itPersonal Finance

Monthly investment brief

Polarisation Laurent Denize, Global Co-CIO, ODDO BHF AM. " Despite the uncertain macroeconomic cycle, such periods bring numerous opportunities for investors who can see beyond the current noise and focus on the long term." The spectacular rise in interest rates over the last two years…
24 November 2023
gold and black rectangular casePersonal Finance

Market view

The benefits of gold in the investment portfolio Prof. Dr. Jan Viebig Global Co directeur des investissements, ODDO BHF AM. "We are convinced that gold has a firm place within a long-term investment strategy. In the short term, however, we remain cautious about its potential."…
22 November 2023
road, highway, vehiclesPersonal Finance

Monthly house view | November 2023

Pictet Wealth Management’s latest positioning across asset classes and investment themes. Macroeconomy Business surveys offer tentative signs that world growth may be reaching a trough. Barring further escalation in geopolitical tensions, we could begin to see a modest uptick in global growth trends.US GDP growth…
08 November 2023
brown concrete building during daytimePersonal Finance

A new dawn for Indian stocks

Corporate India's promising fundamentals mean the country's equity market is poised to outpace that of its emerging market peers Prashant Kothari, Senior Investment Manager Pictet Asset Management. India is making history. Late last year it overtook the UK to become the world’s fifth largest economy.…
09 October 2023