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black car parked near gray wallNews

Higher for longer than you think

Investors are overly optimistic about how soon and deeply central banks will be able to cut rates. The fight against inflation isn't won yet Andres Sanchez Balcazar, Head of Global Bonds Pictet Asset Management. US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell had only to mention that…
24 January 2024
man operating laptop on top of tableNews

FOCUS on China

THE E-COMMERCE REVOLUTION: “Shop like a billionaire”! Yanxiu Gu, Product specialist, Chinese equities ODDO BHF AM. "As global consumers tighten their budgets ..., companies like Shein and Temu (PDD), which prioritize offering ultimate value for money, are emerging as distinct beneficiaries." In December 2023, Apple unveiled…
19 January 2024
person using black iPadNews

Seven trends to watch in 2024

The key trends to look out for in science, technology and sustainability over the next 12 months – and beyond. Stephen Freedman, Head of research and sustainability, Thematic Equities Pictet Asset Management. 1. Generative AI goes professional Generative AI dominated the headlines in 2023, and fuelled strong…
19 January 2024
green leafNews


"Transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems" Story of the month The 28th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 28) was held from 30 November to 13 December in the United Arab Emirates. While the exercise is repeated every year, this editionwas…
12 January 2024
a spiral staircase in a building with people walking down itNews

Weekly View: Soft take-off

Welcome to 2024: the Great Election year César Pérez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer Pictet Wealth Management. As an eventful 2024 gets underway, let us start by wishing you a successful year. The coming 12 months will see more than half the world’s population vote in elections,…
10 January 2024
a pile of money sitting on top of a tableNews

Flash Note – Euro area macro update – HICP inflation

HICP inflation: an expected pick up in December  Nadia Gharbi, Senior Economist Pictet Wealth Management. Eurostat's flash estimate showed that euro area headline inflation rebounded to 2.9% y-o-y in December from 2.4% the previous month, in line with expectations. Core inflation eased to 3.4% in December from…
08 January 2024
shallow focus photography of pencil on bookNews

Pictet Wealth Management Flash Note – Outlook 2024 on DM equities

Christmas after Christmas Jacques Henry, Head of Equities at Pictet Wealth Management. Our forecast is for low- to mid-single digit growth in developed-market stocks’ revenues in 2024 as nominal GDP growth is expected to remain positive. Margins are expected to remain fairly resilient as long…
26 December 2023
text, letterNews

The Fed pivots, its peers hold back

After ratcheting up interest rates over the last two years, the US Federal Reserve used its 13 December meeting to open the door to rate cuts next year – a move its peers will ultimately follow, but not just yet. Nadia Gharbi, Senior economist, Xiao…
26 December 2023
100 us dollar billNews

Emerging-market currencies : 2024 outlook

Our view that the global recovery will gradually recover in the second half of 2024 and the chance that the US dollar weakens make us cautiously optimistic on select EM currencies. Luc Luyet, Currencies strategist, Pictet Wealth Management. The external backdrop, such as trends in…
26 December 2023